If you are suffering from toe nail fungus and you are trying your best to get rid of this problem, it can be very frustrating. This is because due to the nature of this problem with the nail being affected it can be difficult to treat because you are essentially having to find something that will get underneath the shield of the nail.

Of course, with extreme toenail fungus infections they will remove the nail and bank on the fact that it should grow back healthy once the fungus has been treated.

If you are still trying to get a diagnosis for your toenail fungus then this is paramount, we would highly recommend making sure that you go to the doctors and have them run tests, so you know what you are dealing with. The good news is that with a toenail fungus infection it is not very difficult at all to be able to get a diagnosis and then you will know what you are dealing with.

They will normally be able to tell you on the day and in some cases, they may send some toenail clippings of the infected nail away to a lab for testing.

Once you know that you have a toenail fungus problem the other piece of good news is that in most cases it will be mild and if treated you will find that you can get rid of this problem relatively easily. Or at least, even if it takes a while to get rid of in the space of 3 to 6 months it should not cause you too many problems.

The problem can come if you just leave it and do nothing and, in that case, it can spread and cause problems down the line.

We want to give you a list of natural solutions that you can try that should not give you many problems or side effects. We highly recommend that you do your own research on these remedies before you use them as we are not health professionals and we have built this site to give you some information and help based on research.

NOTE: it is very important that you seek the advice of a health professional if you want to find out about your own personal toenail fungus infection as well as any allergies that you might have to any treatments. Use the information below at your own risk and make sure that you seek professional advice first!

Best Natural Remedies To Try First:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide:

This can be one of the best things to try first and you can apply this directly in most cases by applying directly to your infected toes or toenails. You will need a clean cloth and you can also use this as a foot soak if preferred. If you’re going to do this, then you need to mix 1/8 of a cup of hydrogen peroxide to 4 cups of cool water and soak for ten minutes.

  1. Apple cider vinegar:

This can be a really good remedy and it is completely natural. This works because vinegar is an antifungal ingredient, and you can mix this with water to create a foot soak in much the same way as the above solution. You will want to do this for about twenty minutes daily.

The main thing to remember with both of these solutions is that it can take a while to get rid of the problem and it will not happen overnight, so you need to keep up with the soaking to get the desired effect.

  1. Epsom Salts:

This is another very popular solution because of how easy it is to set up and how readily Epsom salts are available. You will be able to mix 1 cup of Epsom salts to 2 quarts of warm to hot water and soak your feet for 10 to 20 minutes.

  1. Garlic:

Another remedy that you can try is garlic because you will find that this is a potent antimicrobial plant. You can chop close of garlic and leave them on the affected nail is for thirty minutes. You can also use raw garlic but for much less periods of time because it can be quite strong.


Check out the above natural solutions first and it should give you everything that you need to be able to get a solution to the problem.

Alternatively, check out our full review of Keravita Pro, this is a supplement that has been proving very effective and people have left rave reviews for this product. As long as you know that you are dealing with a toenail fungus infection and if you’re looking for a great way to start getting rid of the problem then this may be well worth a look.

Try out some of the natural solutions above, bear in mind that you will need to stick with them for a few months to notice any effect and if you want to speed things up or try a remedy that has been very well received check out our full review of Keravita Pro and it should help you.

Thanks for reading and we hope that the above solutions will give you a great, natural way of getting rid of a stubborn toenail fungal infection.

You can also read some more content on whether a toenail fungus infection will go away? We also have some help on spotting toenail fungus.

Thanks for reading and good luck with getting rid of your toenail fungus problem, remember be patient, make sure that you get a diagnosis and try natural solutions first.