This post will help to answer the question:

“What kills toe nail fungus?”

If you are suffering from toenail fungus, then it can be very difficult to try and get rid of this problem. This problem is obviously caused by a fungus and the easiest way to understand toenail fungus is that it is athletes’ foot but on the toenail. This means that the same fungal infection that causes the annoying problem with athlete’s foot can infect the nail.

The problem is that unlike athlete’s foot it can be notoriously difficult to treat because it requires the ability to be able to treat where the fungal infection is. If this is embedded in the nail or underneath the nail it can be very difficult to be able to get to grips with this.

We will give you some information that will help you to understand what Kills toenail fungus and also, we will give you some advice on what to do next.

What will help against toe nail fungus?

If you have toenail fungus you will normally find that this will give you a white, brown or yellow discolouration of one or more of your toenails. It can also cause your nails to thicken or crack. The main thing that you will want to do as we have explored in previous posts is to work out whether you do actually have a toenail fungus infection, to do this we recommend contacting the doctor and making sure that you know you have a toenail fungus infection as that will help you with any remedy that you choose to go for.

The other reason that you will want to make sure that you get a diagnosis is because if it is a serious toenail fungal infection you will need further treatment normally in the way of oral medication, or topical solution that will normally be prescription based so it is best getting a proper diagnosis.

Quite simply anything that you are looking to use against toenail fungus must combat the bacteria and the fungal infection. So, in essence anything that is antifungal will help out as long as it treats that specific fungal infection.

Some of the best home remedies that you might find easy to get hold of are:

  1. Vicks:

Vicks VapoRub can help and is a topical solution and although this is normally used for respiratory problems and a cough you can also use it to help get rid of toenail fungus. The active ingredients in this are camphor and eucalyptus oil, this has been proven to have a beneficial effect but again make sure that you have a proper diagnosis, so you know what you are treating.

  1. Tea tree oil:

This is also another remedy that you can try which is very easy to pick up. Although this is not quite as popular there has been some studies done that showed this may be effective against toenail fungus, all you need to do with this one is painted directly onto the toenail, and it will help and if you do this twice daily with a cotton swab you should experience in beneficial effects.

  1. Vinegar:

This is well worth a try and is very easy to locate as you will properly have been got already in the house somewhere. To use this, you should make up the solution and soak your foot in one part vinegar and two parts warms alter for up to 20 minutes. This will not cause any harm in most cases and some people have said that this will work to get rid of toenail fungus over time.

  1. Garlic:

Garlic is worth a look at if you are searching for remedies and solutions to kill toenail fungus as studies have shown it has some antifungal and antimicrobial capabilities. This means that you can use this, and you can treat toenail fungus with garlic by placing chopped or crushed garlic cloves on the affected area for thirty minutes daily. You can also treat this with garlic capsules which may be an idea if you find it difficult to do this or if you want to cut down on the smell of garlic.

  1. Diet:

A really easy thing that you can try that will kill toenail fungus is to change your diet. There are some things that you can ingest internally that will actually help and these include eating a probiotic rich yoghurt, make sure that you eat more protein as that will support nail regrowth and get enough iron and that will help to prevent brittle nails.

If you also make sure that you are eating fish and nuts that are rich in essential fatty acids this will really help and if you go for something that is rich in calcium and vitamin D, then this will really help as well.


Following the above will give you some ideas that you can use at home to start getting rid of toenail fungus. There are lots of things that will be effective against toenail fungus as essentially you are looking for a very good antifungal remedy.

As mentioned, the main thing is to get a diagnosis first as you do not want to start using all of the above solutions if you do not know what you are treating and if you just have another nail problem and you start using this it can lead to further problems.


Another thing that you can try it is a very popular solution online that people have been singing the praises of. This may well be worth a look if you know that you have toenail fungal problems and you want something that seems to be working for a lot of people and gives you something easily accessible.

Check it out here so you can see how this was designed and what it will do for you, but this may be a solution for you if you are looking for a great toenail fungus remedy.

Thanks for reading and check out some of our other articles on toenail fungus and how to get rid of this problem.

Cover Photo by Angela Roma from Pexels