If you are searching for some help and advice with toenail fungus then this article will help and answer the question:

“Will toenail fungus go away on its own?”

Although, the simple and fast answer to this question is:


Most Cases are not that severe

That does not mean that it is all gloom and doom, the good news with this is that for the most part will find that most cases are not severe. The main thing that you will want to do if you are worried about having toenail fungus is to make sure that you actually do have this problem.

Toenail Fungus Can Be Hard To Spot

Part of the reason that it can get worse is because when toenail fungus starts it can be very hard to spot. There might be a slight yellowing of the toenail, you could find that your toenail cracks more often than usual or it looks thicker.

Unsure on How to Spot Toenail Fungus? Click here to check out our article How to Spot Toenail Fungus

All of the above problems could be something else as well, so we recommend the first course of action if you are wondering whether you have toenail fungus is to consult your doctor. They will normally give you the best indication on whether you have a toenail fungus infection and they can also describe the best options for a cure while you are there. For further indication check our article on How to Spot Toenail Fungus.

It Won’t go Away on its Own

As mentioned above, the main thing to remember is that it will not go away on its own so you will need to make sure that you have some kind of treatment.

If you are not that keen on going to the doctor then the first step should be some over-the-counter medications. You will normally find that these come in the form of creams and lotions, you can sometimes find non-prescription based nail polish that can help with this.

These are well worth a go; we recommend asking the pharmacist for their advice as you will find a lot of different products out there that are non-prescription based and some of them may not be suitable or very effective.

Once you have tried these and you are not noticing a change, it is also very important to be patient with a toenail fungus infection. Even a mild infection can take a good few months to clear up and you need to keep up consistently with the lotion and the creams.

If you have more of a severe toenail fungus infection, then normally the doctor will prescribe a prescription-based cream or polish. This works in exactly the same way as the non-prescription except you will find that these are normally stronger and will work to stop the infection spreading.

Remember, if you end up with an infection between your toes everybody is familiar with this condition which is called:

“Athlete’s foot”

Because a toenail fungus infection does not spread in the same way and is in your nail so it does not produce any teaching it can commonly be overlooked.

As we mentioned above once you start prescription treatment you still need to be very patient as it can take a long time to clear up.

If your case is even more severe or the above treatments are not having a lot of effect, then you will normally find options to remove the nail completely. This may seem very drastic but, in this case, what will happen is that there is nowhere fungus to exist, so this is a sure-fire way to get rid of the problem.

The other thing that you can find is that you may be offered laser treatment in some cases, this is great because it will normally be very effective, and it can be used to stop you losing the nail.

Main Advice To Follow

The main advice to follow is that most complications that come from a nail fungus infection normally start because it was ignored. This is very easy to do because it can be difficult to spot and even if you think that you have a toenail fungus infection it does not limit with your day-to-day activities to start.

Bear in mind if it gets more severe it could cause problems with you walking, it can also spread quite easily, and this is the last thing that you want if you want to try maintain your foot health and your well-being.

Take our advice and do not just wait for this to go away on its own - the first course of action should be visiting your doctor because they will normally be able to tell you exactly what to do, they will also refer you to a foot doctor and they are the person to see for all of the remedies.

The other reason to go straight to the doctor is that they will normally prescribe exactly the right medicine that you need and that means that you are not having to second-guess or try to use a lot of non-prescription remedies that will not work for you.


The good news is that despite your toenail fungus not going away on its own, there are plenty of treatments online and you will also find lots of different methods of getting rid of this problem. The other good news is that for the most part you will find that your toenail fungus will be a mild infection.

As long as you make sure that you follow the steps above it will probably prevent it from turning into anything more drastic and it will also mean that you can get rid of the problem quicker without having to worry so much.

Just remember, do not try to leave it a wait for it to go away because all you will be doing is prolonging the time that it will take treatment when you finally do go to get it cured.

We hope this article has helped you if you’re looking for a solution toenail fungus. Remember also it is very important to work out that you actually do have toenail fungus before you start trying different solutions.

For instance, there is a solution where you can get antifungal pills, in extreme cases doctors will issue these pills but they can cause problems with your kidneys and other side effects, you do not want to have to get to this stage if it was something that could have been treated while it was mild.

Also, remember that if you have diabetes or any other underlying health issue to get this checked as a priority. Diabetes can cause more problems with the feet and the nails and any infection such as this will be better getting cured earlier rather than leaving it.

Thanks for reading and good luck with curing your nail fungus.